Staff Directory - Staff by Department
12th Judicial District Court
12th Judicial District Staff
278th Judicial District
Adult Probation (Community Supervision and Corrections Department)
- Cravey, James
- Cross, Shellie
- Hugo, Shelia
- Hunter, Kristin
- Birdsall, Leslie
- Bond, Chenoa
- Cabrera, Mayra
- Clark, Aimee
- Dewalt, Katrina
- Fowler, Cassie
- Garrett, Krista
- Garza, Andy
- Gilfaldi, Heather
- Howell, Emilee
- Johnston, Carol
- Jones, Misty
- Leamon, Macy
- Lopez, Maria
- Porterfield, Elizabeth
- Roe, Morgan
- Strickland, Marc
- Theis, Kelly
- Wells, Lita
- White, Kody
- Zarate, Claudia
Building Maintenance
Commissioner's Court
Constable Precinct 1
Constable Precinct 2
Constable Precinct 3
Constable Precinct 4
County Auditor
- Allen, Patricia
- Rerich, Kimberly
- Davis, Eric
- Sion, Rodney
- Cole, Elizabeth
- Richardson, Chris
- Hutchison, Janet
County Court at Law
County Judge
Court Calendar
Courthouse Security
District Clerk
- Woolley, Leslie A.
- Bartee, Kimberly
- Roberson, Brandy
- Carter, Jennifer
- Humann, Karen
- McMurrey, Susan
- Reese, Jessica
Elections Homepage
Emergency Management
Emergency Medical Services (EMS)
Human Resources
Information Technology
Investigative Services Division
Justice of the Peace Precinct 1
Justice of the Peace Precinct 2
Justice of the Peace Precinct 3
Justice of the Peace Precinct 4
Juvenile Services
Juvenile Services
Planning & Development
Public Safety Communications
- Wilkinson, Deborah S
- Tryon, Anthony J
- Harris, Stephanie
- Barak, Rachel
- Barnwell, Ja'Meka
- Corley, Laura
- Harris, Nicole J
- Flores, Kassi
- Thomas, Megan
- Lutringer, Taylor
- Flinchum, Kaitlyn
- Dotson, Mayosha
Purchasing Office
Records Management ( Deeds, Recordings)
Register to Vote
Road & Bridge Precinct 1
Road & Bridge Precinct 2
Road & Bridge Precinct 3
Road & Bridge Precinct 4
Roads & Bridges
Sex Offender Supervision
Sex Offenders
Sheriff's Office
Tax Assessor-Collector
Texas A & M AgriLife Extension
Treasurer's Office
- Clausen, Maria
- Klawinsky, Amy
- Landrum, Kim
- Emens, Alexis
- Pursley, Kayleigh
- Segrest, Tina
- Zamora, Virginia