Tax Assessor-Collector

Diana L. McRae
"We are here to serve you"
Duties of the Tax Assessor-Collector
The Tax Assessor-Collector is elected countywide by the voters for a four year term and has specific duties outlined in the Texas Constitution and by statutes passed through Legislative action. In 2001 Walker County Commissioner's Court contracted with the Walker County Appraisal District to handle the County's property tax related function including collecting 100% of the county's ad valorem taxes therefore consolidating all collections for all taxing entities into one location.
The Tax A/C is an agent for the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles and is responsible for the registration and titling of all vehicles in the county, the collection of state sales tax for the state comptroller on all automobiles purchased in the county, the issuance of disabled parking permits (placards), along with the issuance of beer and liquor permits as required by the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code.
*In Fiscal Year 2023, our office registered 58,110 vehicles in Walker County, along with processing 14,477 title transactions.
The Walker County Tax Assessor-Collector is also the Voter Registrar maintaining the records of approximately 38,000 registered voters. The Voter Registration Department works to increase the number of registered voters in the county and one way is to encourage citizens to become part of the Volunteer Deputy Voter Registrar Program. The department also keeps the voter rolls up to date and provides voter information to every voting precinct.
In August 2001, all election duties were transferred from the County Clerk to the Tax Assessor-Collector by mutual agreement with Commissioners' Court in order to best serve the citizens of Walker County. As the County Election Officer, the Elections Department holds all federal, state and county elections and contracts with the cities of Huntsville, Riverside, and New Waverly along with the school districts and the hospital district for their respective elections. We also work with the political parties during the Primary Elections and assist them when requested. We conduct all election worker training before each election and work hand in hand with the Texas Secretary of State's office for all voter registration/election information and records.
*Data Source: Registration and Titling System (Cognos-Fee Collection & Distribution Report) and (Cognos Vehicle Registration Cube Report)
*Data Source: Registration and Titling System (Cognos-Fee Collection & Distribution Report) and (Cognos Vehicle Registration Cube Report)
2015 Humanitarian Award for Contributions to Academic Excellence
by the Roxie Douglas Scholarship Foundation
2014 Citizen of the Year for Outstanding Community Service
by Walker/Trinity Counties Branch of NAACP
Contact Us
1301 Sam Houston Ave
Huntsville, TX 77340
Huntsville, TX 77340
- Phone: (936) 436-4950
- Fax:
(936) 436-4951 - Staff Directory
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